Sunday, June 14, 2015

Procrastination: Ignoring your problem is definitely going to make it worse

So today’s Sunday, which means I’m supposed to be working on my posts for the two company blogs I write for. Getting work done is easier said, than, well, done. Something that shouldn’t take more than four hours quickly stretches to six or seven.... 

I know all the so-called tricks to break the procrastination cycle, like “start early,” which just means that you have more time to procrastinate. Or my favorite anti-procrastination tip, “turn off the internet.” Which is crazy. You can’t turn off the internet, the internet is everywhere. The internet’s in our pockets, it’s in our computers, it’s in our homes, it’s in our minds…. And anyways, I need the internet to work (no really, I do), I can’t do research without trusty Google.

Beautiful computer art, courtesy of procrastination.
But back to procrastination. I don’t know how it works for other people, but before I start to work on anything I go through a long process to avoid starting. First, check the email. Just to make sure I haven’t gotten some exciting, life-changing message since I last checked my inbox. Spoiler alert, there’s nothing there.

Then I check my blog. As if someone other than me is updating it. I kinda just like looking at the blue background, is that weird?

X-Files(1993-2002): my current Netflix obsession.
Then I look up some articles about my favorite shows. What if there’s updates on what’s happening next season?  That’s not very likely if you’re watching shows on Netflix that went off the air over 10 years ago.

After all that nonsense, I might really shoot myself in the foot and check Buzzfeed, which is literally the worst thing you could do. So many quizzes, so many videos, so little time. How will I know what kind of Once Upon A Time mom I’d be if I don’t take this Buzzfeed quiz? The uncertainty will prevent me from focusing on my work.

Then, when I’ve finally exhausted all other options, I go on YouTube and pull up a bunch of songs to listen to while I work. That takes maybe five minutes, and I know that when I’m done, it’ll be time to start working….right? Maybe all that procrastination leads to real work getting done, it’s more of a journey really, you know man, we’re all on a journey. *Dances around like a hippie.* What do you procrastinate on? What things do you do when you’re procrastinating?

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